why us?

We are students who want to help our healthcare heroes battling this virus during this challenging time.
We believe it's our social responsibility to step up during the difficult time of need and help how we can. We want to support the DFW community by offering childcare services. Our services are for all the healthcare workers including resident physicians to the wonderful humans who are keeping the hospitals clean. Our goal is to lessen the burden on our healthcare workers who are affected by the school closures along with the increased work hours required at this time.
Our board consists of medical students. However, none of this would be possible without our wonderful student volunteers from local universities.
A special thank you goes out to MN COVIDsitters for starting this movement and providing us with guidance to create our organization in the DFW metroplex
together, we can win this fight
meet the board
Abhinaya Ganesh, UNTHSC Texas College of Osteopathic Medicine, Class of 2021
Lexy Kindt, UNTHSC Texas College of Osteopathic Medicine, Class of 2021
Nivedha Sukumar, UNTHSC Texas College of Osteopathic Medicine, Class of 2021