about us

We're a group of medical students from Fort Worth.
Our mission is to aid the healthcare workers in the DFW metroplex who need assistance with their families while they serving out community during the COVID19 crisis.
Healthcare workers, we are currently providing childcare services for children under 18.
Students, we want to provide you with an opportunity to help out during this crisis and volunteer hours.
We value your time and want to make this as simple as possible for you!
HSC covid FunD

The HSC COVID Relief Fund will help our HSC family adversely affected by the pandemic.
Through the HSC COVID Relief Fund you have the opportunity to invest in an immediate need and designate your gift to an area that is most meaningful to you:
Student Assistance
HSC students are facing personal hardships ranging from basic food and shelter, loss of family wages, unexpected distance learning technology costs, access to childcare, and myriad of other issues related to personal health and well-being. Funds given to Student Assistance will be used to meet these direct and critical needs under the supervision of the Office of Student Affairs. Our students are facing difficult circumstances, your gift can make an immediate impact and serve as their lifeline to success.
Kunlin Jin, PhD, is urgently working to learn if stem cell treatment can boost a person’s immune system to ward off COVID-19 pneumonia. Without approved drug therapy or vaccines available for a cure, making the identification of any possible treatments is crucial to slowing and stopping this global pandemic. Dr. Jin founded the International Society on Aging and Disease and is working globally with researchers to find answers to this deadly virus. Based on the team’s early results from Beijing, in February, results are promising. Additional funding of Dr. Jin’s work will further discovery of the immune response of all patients, including the elderly, who are most at risk from COVID-19.
The HSC understands that you are experiencing disruptions and uncertainties in your life as well, so thank you for your adaptability and consideration in supporting the HSC family during this unprecedented time.